26 June 2020

Customer Specification Matching and Product Regrading with QLIMS

Product variation is a natural effect of manufacturing, the question here is how do you manage product variation in a manner that can improve your business and meet customer specifications. 

The Answer: Automating the customer specification and product regrading process.

This is especially important for organisations that cater to a wide range of customers or export markets that may have different specifications due to preferences or government/industry regulations. 

Re-grading their batches will help these organisations maximise their profits by making the best use of raw materials and finished products. 

Our Solution: QLIMS Customer Specification and Product Regrading Module

QLIMS assists laboratories in keeping a record of the different specifications and allowing them to quickly regrade manufactured products or raw materials to make a disposition against the batch. This will indicate resale only to those customers for whom the batch falls within the defined specifications. 

When a new order arrives from a customer the lab can simply select the appropriately grade batch for sale to that customer without requiring any repeated testing. 

Key Benefits:

  • Efficiency. Automated grading of batches to meet predefined customer specifications

  • Reduced Product Wastage. Minimise wastage by preventing disposal of a product/batch/stock that falls out of specification for a single customer by matching the graded batch to appropriate customers and making a disposition against the batch to indicate resale only to those customers

  • Save Time. No need to manually compare results to an abundance of customer specifications

  • Meet Customer Needs. Ensure customers receive products that align with their needs and preferences

  • Cost Savings. Repeated testing would not be required as the LIMS would automatically tell you exactly which customer specifications the batch/product conforms to

  • Maximise Profits. The ability of automatically matching regraded batches to customers ensures that businesses are able to glean profits from any manufactured raw material or finished product

Therefore, if your business is generating batches of products that are required to conform to customer specifications you can automate this process using QLIMS. It will help improve efficiency, increase profits, reduce human error and let you know exactly which customers can buy that batch. 

For more information CLICK HERE!

1 June 2020

10 Steps to Laboratory Automation using QLIMS

Modern analytical and research laboratories have experienced a tremendous growth in data volumes in recent years. In order to translate all this data into knowledge, labs are increasingly looking to automate and integrate their processes to not only provide digital continuity throughout the sample life cycle but also improve data integrity.

Consider how long it takes one lab staff to enter data manually into a LIMS? How would you speed up that process while reducing human error? The infographic below identifies 10 steps a lab can take to automate their processes, free up time and focus their efforts on the science

A fully integrated LIMS does not only benefit lab staff but also managers and project engineers by providing a detailed overview of the project scope and the ability to easily track and monitor all samples in real time. Automating with QLIMS can make your data more valuable to your organisation, saving time, increasing ROI's, improving productivity and efficiency. 

For more information CLICK HERE!